Friday 1 June 2012

Illamasqua Naked Strangers Launch

So yesterday I had the massive pleasure of body painting at the Illamasqua Naked Strangers Launch. The models were fantastic and gorgeous too. We painted them gold and then had the amazing Spob O'Brien and David Horne applying the makeup, and copious amounts of gold leaf and glitter might I add.

The beautiful Launch Party Poster

The gorgeous models, next to the lovely Tequila cocktails

One of the lovely ladies in the window

Another shot of one of the golden girls

They had ladies in the window and our girls wandering about the store and in the doorway enticing people in. They drew quite the crowd! There were so many photos taken and they were brilliant, getting people to come in and sign up for their free transformations. I have to say I had one myself by the amazing Daniel Sallstrom and I wish I could look that glamorous everyday. Our fellow artist Sam even had her nails done the Queen of Makeup Alex Box. It was an incredibly surreal experience being in the same room as so many talented people, and they're all so lovely!

More pictures to follow soon,

M x


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