Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Monthly Wishlist - October

Just a short one I've managed to sneak in before the end of the month...

The EMJ Company 'Harry' Set Bag

To match my mat and my soon to be replaced brush belt. See here to read about it's sticky demise. I love all the EMJ Comapny stuff and it just keeps getting better. If I had the money to I'd want everything. The pencil/gloss/tool rolls are a brilliant idea and stops the need to rummage around in your little bags to find the lip liner you want etc. Because even when you've organised them into clear bags it can still be tricky fishing the one you want out, even if you can see it. They're evasive little creatures. 

Shop the goodies here

An Illamasqua Store Near Me

Seriously, we need one. I would spend so much time in that place. I can't believe we don't really have one down south, Bristol would be an ideal location. There's so many people that would buy it. Currently to feed my addiction I have to order online (which just isn't as fun) or go to London. I'm not complaining about going to London too much as I love it there but it's at least an hour and a half drive away. 

M x


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