Wednesday 30 May 2012 0 comments

Tomorrow's Secret Project...

Working on a secret project tomorrow, all I'm saying is it's for a certain new product launch in a makeup flagship store...

News and pictures tomorrow

M x
Monday 28 May 2012 0 comments

More UWL Fashion Show

Some more madness from backstage at UWL:

Demo from Magda before the hair team got started

Working in semi darkness can be quite difficult...

The mad rush of models and dressers from my touch up post during the show

The calm before they walk out

M x

The UWL Fashion Show

The University of West London hosted a fashion show for their BA Hons students to exhibit their work, much like our end of year show. I was lucky enough to be chosen as part of the makeup team to work on this two day event.

There was a lot of waiting around but once we got the models in our seats we cracked on, on the first day we were working right up until call time, with a minute to spare on the last models lips. Thankfully on the second day the kinks had been mostly worked out, though we still had time for a quick Starbucks run and a team chat in the sun while the models did another run through. 

Our brief was to recreate this kind of look between the hair and makeup teams:

The hair was edited slightly, keeping the messy half pinned back but with more height at the front.

We got to use Illamaqua Skin Base, which I completely adore, it's amazing. There was also a selection of Illamasqua powders (beautifully fine), MAC Face and Body (not my favourite but good for models and males) and MAC loose pigment in Melon and Copper Sparkle. We also made use of our MAC eyeshadows to create a smoky eye before applying the shimmery pigment.

Our Illamasqua appreciation sparked the idea to create this to send to them on twitter:

The complete madness of backstage was brilliant, it was especially fun to see the models and everyone rushing about to get them out on time and then watching the contrast of the models on the catwalk as calm as anything. 

Professional pictures to follow soon,

M x
Sunday 27 May 2012 0 comments

West Thames End of Year Show

So what seems like forever ago, though is only 5 days, is the end of year show at West Thames. Around 60 students completed gorgeous designs in about 7 hours which were then shown off on the runway for family, friends and more importantly industry professionals. This is all organised by the wonderful West Thames team, headed up by Julia Townend.

The 2nd year students of the HND Specialist Makeup Course, myself included, worked to several themes under the main header of Creation. This included everything from elements and planets to the beginning and ending.

The creativity shown from everyone was amazing. They took their designs to a much more abstract level, looking for the character beyond the obvious title. Some of my particular favourites included:

"Nelson's Legacy" by Katie Eden

A galaxy inspired full body paint by Rebecca Jefferson (the sheer amount of shimmer and crystals on this has to be commended, along with the beautifully blended colours)

There were also students exhibiting their work from the Degree Course, these included:

Ania Paterak 

Becky Lingham - pictured here with the amazing Spob O'Brien

Jenny Green 

The first years of the HND course acted as assistants for the day and it has to be said that many of them did a wonderful job. I personally don't think I'd of made it through the day without the help of the wonderful Charlotte James, she was fantastic. (There was definitely some small amounts of assistant envy in the room)

M x