Wednesday 31 October 2012 0 comments

The Monthly Wishlist - October

Just a short one I've managed to sneak in before the end of the month...

The EMJ Company 'Harry' Set Bag

To match my mat and my soon to be replaced brush belt. See here to read about it's sticky demise. I love all the EMJ Comapny stuff and it just keeps getting better. If I had the money to I'd want everything. The pencil/gloss/tool rolls are a brilliant idea and stops the need to rummage around in your little bags to find the lip liner you want etc. Because even when you've organised them into clear bags it can still be tricky fishing the one you want out, even if you can see it. They're evasive little creatures. 

Shop the goodies here

An Illamasqua Store Near Me

Seriously, we need one. I would spend so much time in that place. I can't believe we don't really have one down south, Bristol would be an ideal location. There's so many people that would buy it. Currently to feed my addiction I have to order online (which just isn't as fun) or go to London. I'm not complaining about going to London too much as I love it there but it's at least an hour and a half drive away. 

M x

Sunday 28 October 2012 0 comments

Glossybox - October

So, I finally joined the Glosybox crew and received my first box a couple of days ago. Now, I was a littl worried seeing some of the reviews from the other blogs as it seemed October's box was a little disappointing according to many. Ok,  so I won't lie, having seen some people had Dr. Jart BB Cream or the Derma Clean Start kit I was a little disappointed I didn't but hey, it's my first box.

In my box I had:

Anatomicals - Don't just clean it woman, scrub it body scrub
Yves Rocher France - Instant Anti-Wrinkle Moisturiser Hydra Vegetal
Skinetica - Anti-Blemish
The Organic Pharmacy - Enzyme Peel Mask with Vitamin C and Papaya
Sally Hansen - Complete Salon Manicure (Black Platinum)

I love the body scrub, it smells amazing and it's a decent sized sample. I also like the Skinetica, it's definitely helped get rid of some of my recent stubborn spots and the bottle's going to last quite some time.

The nail varnish is quite a nice colour but seems a little flat, I was expecting a little more sparkle. I'm not quite convinced about using it on it's own either, I tested it and it seemed a little streaky. It was better over a base coat but I haven't had enough time to paint all my nails and test it's wearability. 

The Peel Mask isn't for me, I did try it and I found it left my skin feeling a little filmy and odd. This could be because I didn't have the suggested cloth to remove it with, who knows. But I wasn't quite sure about it. There was a generous amount though, enough to cover my face and neck. 

Now the anti wrinkle moisturiser...I can't say much on its anti wrinkle properties as I'm only 21 but it did moisturise my skin. Reminds me of my normal moisturiser minus the mattifying. Which is Garnier Pure Shine Control if you'd like to know.

Well that's all from me, Let's wait and see what November's box has to bring...

M x
Friday 19 October 2012 0 comments

My Recent Obsessions

I have a serious obsession with Face Off. I was devastated to somehow find out I'd managed to miss nearly an entire series, however this seems to of worked out amazingly as I can now watch it with no waiting (yay!) I'm currently watching 'Alice in Zombieland' which is ep. 4 of series 3. 

If you haven't seen any of this series you really, really need to. Like seriously. It's sort of like Next Top Model/Project Runway meets Special Effects Makeup. It's brilliant, even if it's not normally your kind of thing just watch and see the amazing creations these guys come up with.

I've wanted some ProChart face charts for a while now, they're recycled paper and it's textured so it holds onto the makeup well and you can really lay down the colour. Sooo much better than trying on paper and much prettier than using coloured pencils. I'll be posting some examples soon once I've had a chance to experiment.

My Glossybox hasn't arrived yet but I'm so excited for when it does! Read more about it here or subscribe for yourself here

M x


The Pictures from my Shoot with Salleh and Josie

Here we have a selection of images from my shoot with Salleh Sparrow and Josie Jayne, as mentioned before here

Gorgeous Black and White

Longing Looks

Killer Jacket and Jumpsuit Combo
(I'm in love with the boots she's wearing)

Josie in 'The Beetlejuice' and some more killer boots

Lush Lips in Colour

Lush Lips in B&W
(This is my favourite image)

M x

Wednesday 17 October 2012 0 comments

My Shoot with Josie Jayne and Salleh Sparrow

Recently I had the fabulous opportunity to work with the gorgeous Josie Jayne and the creative genius that is Salleh Sparrow. 

Meet the lovely Salleh Sparrow (Self Portrait)

And the fabulous Josie Jayne on set

Salleh, who also models, is brilliant both sides of the camera and even works her magic with a little set designing. Meanwhile Josie, who transforms in front of the lens effortlessly, I'm talking laughing and joking to full on smoulder quicker than a flash. It would be a pleasure to work with them again, we had a great time.

Pictures to follow in the next post...

M x


Finally, finally, finally, subscribed to Glossybox. So excited to get my hands on October's soon, reviews on the products to follow...

An Example of an October Box - Breast Cancer Awareness Edition

For those unacquainted with Glossybox, this wonderful company will send you a box of mystery products every month for you to try and experiment with. They tailor them to your needs when you fill in a simple little 8 step survey on your style/skin type etc. 

I can't wait for mine to arrive!

M x